A Perspective

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A Perspective

You pass from this life...  "Uh-oh...  Is that it?"  A gentle, yet firm voice confirms:  "That's it!  Now...  Let's see what you did with your life..."  

Even if you don't believe that this will happen - that your life will be judged based on your actions - can you take the chance that it won't be?  I hope you will at least consider this.  I recently did when my father and my uncle passed away within 3 months of each other (and I also found out I'd been laid off from my job when I returned from the last funeral).  My father and mother raised 3 children and put them through school.  My uncle was a Roman Catholic priest who freely gave everything he had to the people and parishes he served in inner city Cleveland for nearly 60 years.  He took his vow of poverty so seriously that his life was open to all he served practically 24/7.  As I look at these influences on my life I ask:  "What have I done?" 

I present this website in the hope that it might be helpful to those seeking peace.  God has seemingly given me the gifts that enable me to be a peacemaker and our world is in such dire need of peace!  I'm not just speaking about freedom from war, although that's certainly part of it.  I'm also speaking in terms of harmony with our fellow human beings, with nature and with our Creator too.

It's not until you get away from everything (into a church or out into nature) that you realize how warped our world is.  Self gratification seems to be all important with little regard for right or wrong and as a result our world has become a pretty dark place.  In 2024 my country elected to unchecked power a Biblically condemned "leader" who's ways are in direct opposition to those of Christ.  The rainbow, God's sign that He will never again destroy humanity because of our hedonistic ways, is today almost as well known as a symbol promoting hedonistic ways!  Mass shooters in the news.  Instead of denying them the publicity they crave as terrorists, we treat them almost as heroes, posting their photos, seeking their motives and looking for information on them!  Is it any wonder that random shootings continue unabated!  Legalized gambling and drugs with gambling commercials on cartoon channels.  Even college sports have been perverted!  The standardization of self interest over school loyalty (a.k.a. "the portal") is an invitation to unethical behavior!  The list goes on an on.  Heck, we even defile our own bodies and lately it's often to the point of mutilation!

Well, I can't change minds, but I can give witness to what I believe by adjusting the way I live my own life.  For example, I can withdraw support from establishments that support certain things or I can get out on a river or trail and get back to basics, there to be reminded of the beauty and simplicity of life.  You can too!  My Uncle loved the quote:  "If you want to change the world, change yourself.  It's easier to put on a pair of slippers than to carpet the world."  Our warped culture merits the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah, yet it's a testament to God's love that He's pledged never again to wipe us out.  What does that leave us with?  His Final Judgment.  After our adamant rejection of any glimmer of light in our election we must be sorely trying the Lord's patience.  Despondent, yet still in awe of God's steadfast love, I live my life in gratitude but in preparation a Second Coming that I feel could be imminent.  Simplicity and child-like innocence are the things to be most appreciated now.  In fact, we should even strive for them.

"Amen, I say to you, unless you change and become like little children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.

I've dedicated this site to my grandmother, Jessie Rogge.  It was she who first taught me how to truly appreciate the beauty of things.  She'd sometimes say: “I just can’t UNDERSTAND it James!”  What she meant was that she could not comprehend how wonderful the Lord must be to have given us such incredible things in this world.  She saw His love everywhere.  Not only in the diversity of wildlife, but also in how the trees grow and even in the formations that the clouds make! Even when her health finally confined her to a chair in her apartment she still had it all in perspective. This is how I endeavor to appreciate things.