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Ohio River


Granny’s Run (Mile 225.5) to Sandy Creek 220.5


Thursday, October 4, 2012


River Chart 163



Today I had the pleasure of putting in from a ramp that lies amid the grounds of an old lock and dam site, old #22.  They’ve really done a great job of transforming the grounds here into a park that they call the Washington Riverfront Park.  There's a museum here as well - Washington Western Lands Park Museum - along with two historical markers, one of which is based on the area’s Civil War history and another one which indicates:


“These lands were surveyed, 1771, for George Washington by Colonel William Crawford, who later was taken captive by the Indians and burned at the stake.  Washington camped near in 1770.  Here is the grave of Jesse Hughes, noted scout.  Sandy Creek Riffle, where the Indians and pioneers crossed the Ohio, was used by General Jenkins when he carried the Confederate flag into Ohio in 1862, and also by the Union Army under general Lightburn in its retreat the same year.”


As for my plans to paddle this section, they changed a little.  I was going to start by heading downriver to Granny's Run where I stopped the last time and then turn around to navigate back up.  However, the old lock structures are immediately downriver from the Ravenswood ramp and as I paddled out to the center of the river to get some better, wider photos I was able to spot the Sandy Creek coming in just a little further down.  I couldn’t resist going ahead and paddling in!  Well, it turns out that the stream goes back just shy of 3 ½ miles and ends in one of the most enchanting river scenes you may ever see!  More on that in a bit…


As I first put in from the ramp I was doing so alongside a flock of geese and, as it happens, I was just in time to catch the scene as a couple more dropped in to join their comrades.  I guess I’d never seen any come in to land before, but the way they stop flapping their wings and just kind of hang there prior to landing is really something.  They’re just dropping!  That must be fun!  



Anyway, when you get down to Granny’s Run (which enters the river at mile 225.5 right alongside a light and day marker of the same name) you’ll find yourself starting a long, 180 degree left curve which ends at Ravenswood.  The curve is so complete that if the sun is on your left side when you start it'll be at the same relative spot on the opposite side of your head once you get to Ravenswood.


Granny’s Run wasn’t navigable, but the Earl Jones of Kirby Inland Marine passed me here.  According to their website Kirby operates the largest fleet of inland tanking and towing vessels in the country and I found that interesting.  This was the second straight trip in which I'd seen one of their vessels after not having encountered one previously.  Perhaps this happens to you, too?  I’ll encounter something – a thing, a word, a song, whatever – and after that I’ll see it maybe a couple more times in fairly rapid succession.



At any rate, if you start from this point you’ll be in the midst a long stretch of about three miles of farmland.  There will be a couple farms on your right side in West Virginia (along with a train track which follows the river for this entire stretch), but in Ohio there looks to be one massive plot which covers much the entire curve I described above.  There are some great spots to stop and rest along the shore in here too, with some of the gentlest sloping ground I've seen on the river.  I've found this to be a very quiet section where you can be alone with your thoughts – and maybe some cows. 




My pictures didn’t turn out very well today due to lack of sun, but perhaps one of the most impressive scenes I saw in this section was at the location of – get this – the Pleasant View Light and Day Marker where lies the Pleasant View FarmNOTE:  In 2021 I unfortunately erased a large number of photos I took of this section as I was attempting to import them.  Among these were some I took near here on the West Virginia side of an incredibly intriguing spot along the shoreline that I'd missed on my first trip.  It had been reinforced by what looked like 50 concrete loaves of bread "tied" together with rebar.  It looked to have been there for quite a while, although I'm not sure if it had any historical significance.  I thought it was a cool setup.



There are three little streams that enter the river in the midst of this curve before you reach Ravenswood.  I either completely missed them or they weren’t navigable.  The first was Silver Creek at mile 225 in Ohio, followed by two in West Virginia - Cedar Run closer to mile 223 (where the first photo was taken) and Bar Run just past mile 223 in the second shot below.  Can you see the little band of egrets as little specks of white in the first shot?  I'd never seen this many in one spot.





I also couldn't resist taking the photo below of an old bench up on shore.  This one looks to have been here for quite a while!



Once you reach the last of the streams mentioned above, the curve you’ve been making will sharpen a little to reveal the Ravenswood Bridge just up ahead at mile 221.5. This span was competed in 1981 according to a Wiki article I see, and it serves as a nice introduction to the community of Ravenswood, West Virginia, a community of around 4,000.



After you pass under the bridge the Ravenswood put-in will be on your right.  This is a fantastic place to pack a lunch and stay for a while if you're passing through.  As mentioned, they have a museum here along with a little log cabin and some picnic shelters.  I didn't see any restrooms, however. 




Next up, you’ll find the mouth of the Sandy Creek at the end of the park grounds.  This stream goes back pretty far – about 3 ½ miles - and it’s a beauty!  You’re apt to spot some wildlife…



…as you go through your fair share of meanderings and straights…








…and when you reach the end (of the slack water, anyway) you’ll find yourself at the site of a very old lock and dam underneath the Silverton-Hemlock Road Bridge.   The spot was so endearing that I’m at a loss for words to describe it.  It’s simply wonderful.  Several scenes are below...







Needless to say I spent quite a bit of time here, feeling very thankful.  Here I was, at a time in my life when I was going through a very turbulent and uncertain period, paddling simply for inspiration (“Paddling as Rome Burned” as I called it).  I was led here.  Why?  I had so many questions at this point in my life that I felt like a toddler asking many questions in rapid succession.  Why did the circumstances in my life compel me to start paddling in the midst of adversity?  Why didn’t clarity come instead?  Why am I compelled to write about my experiences and share them? 


I could only think of the Bible, knowing that there must be some appropriate verses to explain the situation.  I found Saint Matthew.


Matthew 5:3:  “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven.”




Matthew 5:4: “Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted.”


I left here with new hope.  Perhaps we're given clarity through the things we’re allowed to see and experience.  If nature can be considered a reflection of the Lords love, then perhaps scenes like this are akin to windows through which we might gaze and see what is truly important.  As we gaze we might find that our problems slowly fade away, to be replaced with a peaceful serenity in our hearts and minds – a serenity which might match the beautiful scene that we might be gazing upon.    


Back to the ramp!  I’ve mentioned before that when you return to these you never really know what to expect.  This particular put-in seems to be in a very safe area with a quite few people out enjoying the river, but you always have to wonder what kind of people you’ll meet.  Will they be of the friendly sort (as they almost always are) or will you get something else?  I believe it’s always prudent to be cautious, especially at the more forlorn spots.  Today, however, I needn't have been concerned.  Who came to greet me but a friendly little boy who was with his father fishing just down from the ramp.  Seemingly interested in what I was doing, he asked me my name.  I told him, and he likewise told me his.  We wound up passing the time of day as I got my gear together to head home.


“Why are you in the water? “


“Well, I’m guess I’m just having a little fun.”  I replied.


“Aren’t you afraid of sharks?”


“Well, sharks live in the ocean down south.  You’re not apt to see them out on a river – except maybe if you’re down in Florida.  They don’t like it up here in the North.  They like warm water.”


“I wish I had a boat!”


I was delighted to have the company of this little boy and his father and I hope that someday this little gentleman will get his boat!






The put-in I used today is right in the midst of the community of Ravenswood, West Virginia.  Ravenswood is about half way between Charleston and Parkersburg, so the best option is to take I77 and get off at exit 146.  Then head north on what will be a combined U.S. Route 33 and WV Route 2.  The road will shortly begin to make a sharp left curve as you cross over Shady Creek and then you’ll come to WV68.  Take a right here, go past the bridge and both US33 cut offs and then immediately look for the park (the Washington Western Land Park and Museum) on your left. To reach the ramp parking lot you’ll turn left once in the park.