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Dix River (Herrington Lake Area)


Gwinn Island Marina Upstream to Kings Mill Marina & Around Dunn and Gwinn Island


Tuesday, October 21, 2009



I needed a de-stressing day.  You see, I am not a professional website designer.  I’m a complete hack who learns only through a sometimes excruciating process of trial and error.  Well a few days ago I noticed that I could no longer add pictures properly and, in the process of trying to rectify the situation, I only succeeded in taking down the site completely!  Thus faced with the possibility of untold hours of frustration trying to rectify things, I really needed to recharge the batteries.  Yet, with my mind so preoccupied, today would prove to be another comedy of errors. 


Herrington Lake was close to me and I had not yet explored the whole thing so this is where I came.  As mentioned in a previous journal, Herrington is the deepest and possibly the most narrow of the lakes in Kentucky.  It’s pretty clean overall, and in this section it’s dominated by rocky shorelines which oftentimes form natural steps down to the riverbank.  Even with these natural steps, however, there are some pretty amazing man-made stair setups to be seen.  Most of these are made of wood, but the ones that seem to best withstand the test of time are the ones made of stone and I can tell you that the construction of some of the ones out here must have involved the skill of some expert stonemasons.



When I arrived at the Gwinn Island Marina facilities I met with comedy #1.  I’d forgotten my wallet (there are no complimentary put-in points on this lake that I know of).  Well, there’s a kind of guard shack out here just before you drive down a steep road which leads to the actual island and marina.  This is where you’re supposed to pay, but since there wasn’t anyone at this station I got out of my car and asked some guys I saw if they knew where there might be a free put-in point.  They said to go ahead and use the ramp - it wouldn’t be a problem this time.  Well, I headed down but I didn't feel good about not being able to pay.


The view looking down onto the island from this spot is really amazing - especially at this time of year with all the leaves changing color.  They have cabins on the Gwinn Island that you can rent, by the way.  Don’t expect luxury, but if you want to come out for a fishing weekend with the guys it looks like they’d do quite nicely.



I put my boat in without incident and started paddling “upriver” ( Herrington Lake is a dammed up Dix River) towards the next marina.  As usual, I paddled directly across the lake first in order that my crossing would be earlier in the day when there are generally fewer power boats on the water.  Doing so, I noticed how quiet it was!  I didn’t even hear many birds for a while. 


Guess what I also noticed?  I’d left my map in the front seat of the car!  I wasn’t going to go back...


A little way up I came to the first junction in the lake.  In fact, there were a few options here.  I’d make a left around the corner to continue upriver, but on the other side I noticed that there were two more possibilities.  These both turned out to be routes around another island (Dunn Island).  I’d check it out upon my return… 


Anyway, as I made the left turn I found quite a few turkey buzzards hanging out on the shoreline rocks.  They let me get quite close.  To see these birds soar through the air is truly a thing of beauty, although this beauty doesn’t exactly hold up to closer scrutiny.  These aren’t the most attractive of birds.  Nevertheless, I never fail to see them soaring all around me on every trip I make.  Turkey buzzards, heron, and kingfishers are almost always constant company.



Something that caught my eye very soon after this was what looked like an ancient ramp.  In fact, it was so old that it could very well have been a ferry landing spot on the old river before they put the dam in.  I’m not sure, but it definitely piqued my curiosity!  I’d been noticing some pretty grand homes too.  With the exception of the area around Dunn Island the shoreline was all property lined today.


I’m on a fairly long straightaway at this point and I can see a platform on the water at the end which has a walkway leading to it.  The river then curves right, and it was after making this curve that I noticed that someone has a pretty sweet setup, complete with their own cave!




Then, at the end of a backward “C” pattern in the lake/river (it’s hard to tell where the river ends and the lake begins out here!) I spotted a trio of great looking fishing havens.  These would be perfect for that peaceful weekend on the lake.



The sight of the Kings Mill Marina would greet me at the end of the next “S” curve.  With room for maybe 50 boats, there’s also a pretty solid looking ramp here.  The spot is just before you get to the bridge over the water for KY34.  They’ve got a U.S. flag painted on the rocks behind the marina, and across the water from this was the only sandy beach spot that I would see today.


At this point I headed back to check out Dunn Island, but before reaching that point I met a very nice couple in a boat.  These were the kind of people I could have talked with all day – very easy going and friendly just like most of the people you’ll meet on the water.  They had moved out here from Lexington and had questions about kayaking which I answered as best I could, but it was only when I left them that I realized that I'd forgotten to ask them more questions about their lake!



As mentioned, Dunn Island didn’t appear to have any homes on it that I could tell, even though there were “No Trespassing” signs around areas that would normally be nice resting spots.  It took about a mile and half to get around, but I did take the opportunity to also explore Taylor Creek which enters in the back of the island at about it's mid-point.  The Key’s Landing Marina and boat ramp are to the right of the entrance.  Key's looked to be smaller than Gwinn or King’s Mill, but it looked pretty classy.


As for Taylor Creek went back pretty far, and this area seemed to offer the most privacy I’d have all day – when powerboats weren’t in company, that is!  The flat water started to end in a muddy/swampy section at the back and, as I weaved in, I noticed that I was starting to force minnows and a couple larger fish up the creek as I went.  I was careful to avoid hitting them.



Upon emerging from this creek I headed back towards Gwinn Island to try and paddle around it, too, before the day drew to a close.  It turns out that Gwinn Island is an oval shape whereas Dunn Island had been almost an exact triangle.  I started around, but having forgotten the map, I couldn’t quite recall how much area there was to cover back here…



Well, I'd find that the very first incoming stream went back pretty far!  I usually like for these to go on for a while because I do find them fun to paddle, but it was starting to get dark and I’d have to get back soon.  I thus regretfully found myself wishing that the stream would end shortly.  This bothered me.  I’d become more concerned with getting back that with seeing what the stream had to offer.  Whenever this happens I make it a point to come back, but the feeling is like the one you have when you experience the company of someone you haven’t previously met – someone you find really interesting and fun – but you don’t have the time to fully enjoy that person's company.  You want to see them again soon.  Anyway, the stream went back...  And back...  And back, and by the time I reached the end, I knew that I’d probably run into darkness before I could return to the ramp. 

Upon emerging from this stream I found myself looking at the road that goes over to Gwinn Island (the same road I’d driven in on), so I was now thinking that maybe I could get back before dark pretty and still be able to see everything.  No go!  It looks like the water ends here but it keeps going.  It just curves around the road and goes back into another incoming stream!  I’d have to forego seeing everything in this section. 

At any rate, I decided to try and save time and take out right here – on the opposite side of the road from the ramp - instead of paddling all the way around to the ramp.  It wasn’t easy.  The slope at this point isn’t that bad, but with the shifting rock under my feet my path up to the road was one of slips and slides as each step threatened to send me tumbling back down into the water – with my gear and boat!  It was only with great patience that I eventually got everything back up to the car.


On my way out I could hear a rock band playing atop a hill in one of the buildings and, after taking some more pictures of Gwinn Island and the river/lake, I was on my way home.




From Lexington I took KY33 south after making the turn off US68 at Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill.  After passing through the stop sign in Burgin, Kentucky you’ll go just over 4 miles until you see a few little signs for the marina on the left (you’ll see Old Shakertown Road on your right just before this.  This particular road is very interesting in that it will, almost immediately, curve right back towards you and intersect with you again, to continue anew on the opposite side.  This is exactly where the aforementioned signs are.  If you miss the first turn on the left (Old Shakertown), that’s OK, because you can take the next one too - Gwinn Island Road!  Both will take you where you want to go.  Follow Gwinn Island Road all the way back and there you are!


…and always remember:  “Wherever you go, there you are!”  :)